Aquaplot Q

Aquaplot Blog

Our journey to building the maritime analytics platform of the future.

Aquaplot Distance Calculator is Aquaplot Explorer Now

It’s been challenging yet exciting last two months after we launched our open beta application Aquaplot Distance Calculator. Aquaplot Distance Calculator was our first step to build a unified routing and analytics platform for the maritime industry. Now, we are moving ahead with all the feedbacks, responses and experiences from our beta users. With all the improvement we are very proud to announce that Aquaplot Distance Calculator is now Aquaplot Explorer.

What’s new here-

Quick signup process: With only the most important information to be filled, signup form kept as short as possible. No need to waste time by filling unnecessary information.

New pricing for licenses: Apart from our license with free trial, Aquaplot Explorer have 3 more licenses according to user’s usage.


Guided Tour: There is a new option to look product demo video and understand all the features offered by application.


Performance: Performance has been biggest focus point in improvement and it is needless to say that in term of performance and speed Aquaplot Explorer is much more improved now.

Some of our new users might already familiar with these new things and changes.

We are also excited to announce that Aquaplot Explorer is getting mature now and on 20 June 2016 will move out of Beta. Countdown for its first release started today, which will go till 20 June 2016.

Improvement is continuous and never ending process and at we would always love to address your concerns and feedback. Now, user can connect to us through facebook, linkedin, twitter as well.


From Aquaplot with ♥